The CoupMaster Staking Plan is a recovery based staking plan. For a full description see -

In order to showcase the Target and Stop Loss I am using the following CoupMaster Staking Plan Settings.

CoupMaster Staking Plan targets are known as Job Target and Coup Landed. If a Job Target is achieved the word 'Job Target' is added to the Flag Column. If a Coup is achieved, the word 'Landed!' is added to the Flag Column. Both of these are picked up as a Target hit by TBM. If Job Target is achieved followed by losing bets, the Job Target could be achieved again. When this happens the word 'Job Target x' is added to the Flag Column. This is NOT picked up as a Target hit by TBM.

Although not shown in the screenshot below every time the stop loss is hit the word 'Stop Loss' is added to the Flag Column.