The Stop at a Winner - SAW Staking Plan is a recovery based staking plan. For a full description see -

In order to showcase the Target and Stop Loss I am using the following SAW Staking Plan Settings.

Every time the series is reset (after a winning bet) the word 'Target' is added to the Flag Column. Every time the stop loss is hit (After 4 losing bets) the word 'Stop Loss' is added to the Flag Column.  

There is also the additional optional Stop Loss of Percentage From Series Start. We used the example of 10%. This means that if the Series Deficit is greater than 10% from the Series Start Total the Stop Loss is hit. In the example below at bet 32 the Series Start was £119.97. This makes the 10% - £11.99. At bet 35 the series deficit was £15.53. This means our 10% cut off is hit and the Stop Loss is hit.

Stop Loss % is used to signify the Stop Loss being hit.