On this screen we are able to set our global profile specific settings regarding data collection when using Steamers and Drifters criteria in several Selection Systems.
The Selection Systems that this is relevant to are User Input (With Conditions), Automated Selection Systems and Tipster. All 3 selections systems have a criteria setting that can be used to decide if a bet should be placed based on any odds changes in the time that TBM has been monitoring the market.
Note - Only the WIN Market is monitored for odds changes.
Note - If you change the selected market in TBM, any previous data is cleared.
There are 2 settings available.
1) The time in seconds between each data collection.
2) The earliest time that TBM will start recording data.
A useful tool is the Steamers/Drifter Stats panel that will display in real time the current highest high and lowest low odds - Steamers/Drifters Stats Panel