Steamers/Drifters Stats Panel
Global Steamers/Drifter Settings are available in Global TBM Settings - Global TBM Settings
On the Help Drop-Down there is an option to view current Steamers/Drifters Stats. This will display the current highest high odds and lowest low odds for all selections currently monitored.
The Screenshot below shows a Greyhound Market. We can see from the stats panel that 1.Hello Mary Lou has come in from from 5.7 to 4.4. There has to be a certain amount of caution applied to this. Especially with low liquidity markets with large tick gaps between back and lay odds. For Greyhound markets you might want to set the earliest time to start recording data at 120 seconds rather than what is used below (200 seconds).
The stats panel can be useful when you are following the racing live and have a selection system that relies on a steamer/drifter criteria setting.